Speaking at Dallas Techfest
- 21 Aug, 2011
I had a lot of fun at Dallas TechFest this year as both a speaker and a participant. This was my first year to speak at Dallas TechFest and I was both humbled and honored to be selected. Much thanks to the event organizers for putting together such an excellent event.
I find Techfest exciting for many reasons, one of which is that it takes place at the University of Texas at Dallas. Due to this my audience was a mix of personalities from freshman students to PhDs to professional developers.
The code focused talk I gave was entitled “Connect with your Kinect”. On a technical level the talk demoed broad API functionality found in the beta SDK of Microsoft Kinect. On a deeper level I sought to inspire developers on the potential of this device and get their interests perked.
I was happy with the reaction to this talk. I think the audience left enthused and I felt some real energy in the room.
I promised to post some code here, but I have been asked to expand the talk and give it again at the Dallas C# SIG group in about two weeks. Because of this, I’m going to do some code cleanup and post it shortly there after. Stay tuned!