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Learning JavaScript as a C# Developer

Learning JavaScript as a C# Developer

As a developer who worked exclusively on the Microsoft stack for most of my career, the last five y ...

From PRISM to Caliburn Micro

From PRISM to Caliburn Micro

My team is in the process of transitioning our Silverlight development from Prism to Caliburn Micro. ...

Database Archaeology with Visual Studio

Database Archaeology with Visual Studio

I have an existing database project I’m working with from around 2002. The database is for a restaur ...

GDI+ architect is now open source

GDI+ architect is now open source

GDI+ Architect is a designer I created for GDI+ code. It lets you draw objects on a ca ...

Where The Code Lives

Where The Code Lives

Since the ALT.NET movement a couple years ago, Microsoft developers have, to varying degrees, embr ...

MVVM Smack Down

MVVM Smack Down

In November myself and some friends presented an “MVVM Smack Down” at the North Texas Silverlight U ...

Fun With Generics

Fun With Generics

Generics were a great addition to .NET but sometimes their behavior can be unexpected. Check out ...

Functional Composition in F#

Functional Composition in F#

I was checking out the Channel 9 lectures on functional programming using Haskell. It’s like getting ...

F# wager

F# wager

One of the many nifty things in the Visual Studio 2010 box will be F#, the first new framework lang ...

North Texas Silverlight User Group

North Texas Silverlight User Group

A couple of guys at Sogeti and Broadlane (including yours truly) have formed the North Texas Silverl ...